2023 Artist Statement

For the last 12 years, I’ve been naming my years. This has helped me set intentions for the year and feel connected to the intention throughout the year. This year I decided to start a new practice called the Artist Statement.

To do this exercise, imagine this year as a piece or collection of art, like an installation or exhibit. What themes does the artist explore? What would you like the viewer to know about the process? How does it compare to the artist’s previous work? It was helpful to me the first time to write it in 3rd person. To give it space and perspective. When I was done, I rewrote it in first-person to own it.


In this work, I wanted to explore the edges of survival. In four full seasons of making, I explored my capacity for pain and pleasure. I left my hometown like the barn was on fire. Which is to say, I took risks. Some paid off. Some didn’t. I came back home with a love cauldron. This year took me 12 months of listening. It required late nights and porch hammocks. Exploring what happens to the sacral chakra when you lay it out in the sun. Notice how I went heavy on the wonder, light on the commitment. I said no to scripts. Hell yes to rivers. It was the year of chasing sunsets in the hills. Being caught in the prairie. I named this work, Finishing Power, because I intended to finish every work I’d abandoned. Instead I finished one precious thing and started a million more. Can you tell I used every drop of love I could find? Can you see how the more love I used, the more it returned, overflowing and covering every inch of living?


Daily Poem Prompts