Why I Believe in Astrology

Astrology is all the rage now and I am here for it. Unlike in the 90s, it’s become quite common to talk about things like our “big three” and “natal placements.” However, I was reminded recently that I live in Oklahoma and not everyone likes to think about the moon and planets.

I was at a coffee shop talking to some friends about an Astro Poem I just wrote when another friend (really more of an acquaintance lol) overheard and said, “I don’t believe in all that horoscope zodiac stuff, I’m a Christian.” To which I replied, “Good. More for us.”

But it felt like a good time to state for the record:

Why I Believe in Astrology

I believe in a Creative Intelligence/ Divine Consciousness that is the Source of all creation.

Sometimes I call this intelligence “God” but I prefer to call it Universe, God/Ess, Nature, or Mama Source. I think God uses she/they pronouns. Like she’s non-binary of course, but she knows the damage of patriarchy and knows the importance of feminine energy for healing.

It’s funny to me that Christians believe in a Creator in the SKY that is all-knowing and all-powerful but don’t think the Creator gave any thought to when and where they might be born. If the Creator made the heavens and earth and made us in their likeness, then is it a far stretch to think that maybe there was some purpose behind it?

I believe in humanity (especially the ancestors who had nothing better to do than study stars and birth charts.)

For centuries, humans have studied stars, planets, archetypes, etc to better understand who we are and what we’re here to do. This body of knowledge has formed the many branches of astrology studied today. I like thinking about the generations of humans that have contributed birth and astral data so that we can better understand ourselves.

The mythological deities associated with the planets in astrology point to archetypes of human consciousness. By looking at the personified version of ideals like beauty, abundance, communication, etc we call forth that energy in ourselves which is to say we shift our awareness to the aspect we want to change or work with.

I’ve heard people call it “spicy psychology” and I don’t disagree but I also think it is more than the placebo effect. Especially with systems like Human Design and Gene Keys. My chart is the game board I come back to when I’m lost.

I believe in Nature.

Nature is all one thing. We are Nature and Nature is all there is. It’s one infinite art studio containing billion-year projects. I like to think that we are part of those projects not separate from them.

Energy can’t be created or destroyed, y’all. It just keeps transforming. That’s why it makes perfect sense that the energy of planets (or our relationship to the planets) can have something to do with our relationship with ourselves and each other. Which is to say:

I believe in fractals.

Fractals are becoming more commonly understood but we didn’t really know how important they are in the design of the Universe until the 70s. Turns out, whatever is happening on a macro level is happening on lots of micro levels. For example, scientists have studied forests where the number of small and big trees in the forest directly correlates with the number of small and big branches on the trees.

We are tiny universes. Our energetic levers and pulleys get yanked just like the planets. External weather = internal weather. It just makes sense to me that every particle and element of the Universe is connected to every particle and element in my body/life.

I mean, they’ve discovered something called quantum foam and I don’t necessarily know what it is but I’m not going to believe in quantum foam and not believe in cosmic connectivity or human intuition.

I believe in magic and mystery.

I don’t really get everything that’s going on and scientists don’t either. We still don’t understand consciousness or where it comes from. That’s fine. I have strong evidence to suggest when I open myself up to magical, mystical shit, more magical, mystical shit happens. I like it like that.

For example, when I write an Astro Poem, I gather 10-20 pages of research before I start to write the poem and somehow my inner guidance shows me what aspects to bring forward and how to use their personal symbols in the poem. It feels supernatural and I love it.

What I Don’t Believe About Astrology

I don’t make up my mind about people based on their Sun sign.

For starters, there are so many planets in a natal chart and if I only know someone’s Sun sign, I might have a vague idea of how they are oriented in the world but it tells me nothing about their childhood, family, conditioning, healing work, or personal growth. Zodiac signs are designed to represent aspects of human consciousness and cycles of growth, not to become trite stereotypes or divisive labels.

I don’t plan my life around a horoscope.

If I don’t know the astrologer or have experience with their interpretations, I’m not going to buy a lottery ticket or skip an event because they said so. I might take a reminder from Chani Nicholas to be easy on myself during eclipse season. I might watch a video from Colin Bedell (@queercosmos) to understand how a planet in retrograde might be stirring up certain energies in my relationships. But I am not reading a drugstore digest horoscope and then deciding to cut bangs. (Or at least not since my twenties, okay!)

I don’t think astrology is always helpful.

If you read your horoscope and it feels confirming and it prompts you to take action or inquire deeper – that’s helpful. If you read a horoscope and all day you’re in your head about what it means or you’re second-guessing yourself, feeling negative etc. then that’s more harm than good.

We don’t need more mental traps and surface-level psychology. We need to listen to our inner guidance. We need somatic therapy. Our bodies know more about our capabilities and relationships than any horoscope or mental formula. We need more integration, not more diagnostic tools.

If someone in your life doesn’t know about astrology and you’re constantly saying, “You’re such an Aries,” or whatever, that’s going to impact your relationship more than them being Aries. Like, read the room and the chart. (But also if you wanna make astrology jokes occasionally and your person doesn’t, maybe get a chart analysis or dump them)

Reading charts and playing with astrological symbolism is supposed to be fun and helpful. It’s supposed to bring people together and help us understand how similar we are. It helps us better understand our design. It helps better understand our patterns and behaviors. It helps orient us to something deeper than the surface shit we mostly focus on.

“All language is a longing for home.” - Rumi

That sentence kinda sums up my beliefs about astrology. We use language to point to a feeling, a sensation within. We use it to connect with our inner guidance and also to connect with Nature’s guidance. The language of astrology – symbols and archetypes – represent fractals of human consciousness.

Astrology helps us observe patterns, cycles, and gifts. It help us feel connected to the only solar system we know. It’s a tool in our healing toolbox. It’s a reminder of the magic & mystery of Nature.


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