Flyp Financial

Copywriting, Strategy, Automation, Design


*Flyp is a subsidiary of Sutton Bank.

Flyp is a fintech company that offers a gamefied banking experience for the underbanked.

  • MY ROLE: Email copywriting, campaign concept, graphic design, automated workflow build, email build (HubSpot) and target list segmentation

  • OBJECTIVE: Develop a launch campaign to pitch to Waitlist subscribers.


    • Some members of Waitlist had been waiting over a year due to the delay of app development

    • Email launch needed to roll out slowly over a month to make sure team could handle all the KYC and other regulatory issues.


    In 6 weeks, Flyp:

    • converted over 10% of email list (over 1,000 new customers)

    • 29% average open rate

    • 13% click-thru rate


Strategy and Content

Flyp was having a hard time nailing down their messaging. Their audience is mostly Millenials, Gen Z and folks who are unbanked or underbanked.

They wanted the emails and other content to be fun and bright. Using HubSpot’s Marketing Hub, I developed an Email Nurture Campaign with 9 emails, spread across the user-journey and tied to user activity.

Launch Rollout (21k contacts) took place over 16 batches to ensure the Flyp Team could handle it. To do this, I used HubSpot list segmentation and custom properties to develop a 3-Step Sequence for email nurture.






Strategy & Design for OKC PrideFest