How to Pray

(In a non-Jesusy type of way)

If you grew up in a conservative or religious household (and now you’re the kind of person who reads my work lol) chances are, you have a complicated relationship with spirituality and prayer. 

You might not have a relationship with prayer at all. You might think it is a silly thing that religious people do to feel better about themselves. 

But there is actually some science behind prayer. There are several studies that show that patient outcomes improve when either the patient engaged in prayer or their loved ones prayed for them (even if the patient was not conscious of it). It’s also been shown to help regulate a triggered nervous system. It helps us feel safe and connected to whatever is bigger than us

What I love about prayer is how it reorients my internal compass toward wholeness and truth. I  also love the vulnerability of prayer. Even though I’m not into Jesus, I love watching praise and worship — just so I can watch all those grown men with their hands lifted and hearts softened.

Back when I was married to a Moonie, the one part I loved about their church service was called unison prayer. Everyone prayed their personal prayers, out loud at the same time, in their own language. All at once, there was a cacophony of voices. Earnest pleas for help from the God of their understanding. I could almost never join them. I just listened. 

Before I married the Moonie, I was a student of Science of Mind. When I was 13, I began the courses to become a Science of Mind practitioner. That’s where I learned a little tool that has helped me through some of the most difficult times of my life. 

It’s called an Affirmative Prayer or a “Spiritual Mind Treatment”. A technique developed by Ernest Holmes, a leader in the New Thought movement.

5 Steps of Affirmative Prayer

  1. Recognition

    “I recognize that God is all there is.” Consciousness. The Universe. Divine Wisdom. The energy that animates the planet. Whatever you call that power greater than yourself, name it. Recognize it. Take a second to remind yourself that everything created came from Pure Potentiality or Mama Source, as I like to call her.

  2. Unification

    “I am one with God.” If God is all there is, then it makes sense to say that I am made of God. I live, move, and have my being in the same Source Energy that makes stars and trees and little baby bunnies. There is no separation between me and the Infinite.

  3. Realization

    Because of this, I know I am co-creating my reality with God and [ ] is what I want to create” This is the fun part. This is where we talk about the reason for our prayer. This is where we focus all our attention on the thing we want to manifest. Not our fears, not our problems, but what we want to create. For example: “I realize that my life is unfolding exactly as it is meant to. I am whole and healthy and prosperous. The Universe only says yes and I am manifesting my highest potential.”

  4. Thanksgiving

    “I am thankful for the Law of Mind that acts upon my word.” Gratitude has the highest frequency of any word. Immediately after we get clear on what we want, we follow it with being grateful for what has already manifested.
    We say thank you in advance because we know that as we speak, the Universe is shifting to meet our request. 

  5. Release

    “I release and let go and know that it is so. And so it is.” We really could just end it with AND SO IT IS because that is the release valve. This sentence says I have done my part, I don’t need to stress or worry or cling to the outcome. I have surrendered to Mama Source and I will let her take it from here. 

Often when we are manifesting, we take so much time to articulate what we want and how we want it and leave no room for the Universe to show off. I mean, the dream I have may pale in comparison to what the Infinite Power The Creates Worlds can create. I might cling and worry which actually sends the energy of want, lack, and desperation out. When more of that energy is going out than the energy of my affirmative prayer, I create want, lack and desperation.

Say what you want and surrender the rest. 

These prayers are most effective when spoken out loud or written down. Give it a little bit of form to get started. Give it your own special flavor. Send it off with a deep breath and a smile.


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